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Arquivos Históricos do Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência - Unicamp Ayda Ignez Arruda s.l. Português do Brasil
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Artigo, em inglês, de Richard Routley e Andrea Loparic intitulado Arruda-da Costa P Systems And Adjacent Non-Replacement Systems. S.l., [1976-1978]. S.ass. 19p. dat. cópia.

Ayda Ignez Arruda


ARRUDA, A.I. On the Postulate of Separation. s.l., p. 399-400, s.d. Resumo publicado em [Notices of the American Mathematical Society, v.15, p.399-400, 1968].

Ayda Ignez Arruda


ARRUDA, Ayda I.; ALVES, Elias H. A semantical study of some of vagueness logic. s.l., p. 139 – 145, s.d.

Ayda Ignez Arruda


ARRUDA, Ayda I.; BATENS, Diderik. Russell's Set Versus the Universal Set in Paraconsistent Set Theory. Logique et Analyse, v.25, n.98, p. 121-133, jun. 1982.

Ayda Ignez Arruda


CHAPIN Jr., E. William. Measures of centrality and complexity for partial propositional calculi. Arch. Match. Logik, v.15, p. 7-18, 1972.

Ayda Ignez Arruda


EINSTEIN, Albert. How I created the theory of relativity. Physics Today, s.l., p.45-47, ago. 1982.

Ayda Ignez Arruda


FREGUGLIA, Paolo. Su una interpretazione algebricio-categoriale del silogismo. Archimede, s.l., n.1-2, p.30-41, 1978.

Ayda Ignez Arruda


JASKOWSKI, Stanislaw. Propositional calculus for contradctory deductive systems. Studia Logica, t. XXIV, p.143-157, 1969.

Ayda Ignez Arruda


JEROSLOW, R.G. Redundancies in the Hilbert-Bernays derivability conditions for Gödel’s second incompleteness theorem. Journal of Symbolic Logic, v.38, n.3, p.359-367, 1973.

Ayda Ignez Arruda


QVARNSTRÖM, Bengt-Olof. On the concept of formalization and partially ordered quantifiers. Linguistics and Philosophy, v.1, p.307-319, 1977.

Ayda Ignez Arruda

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