Item FNFM-PI-PIt-74 - [Artigo] Segregational load in Drosophila kikkawai - I. Crossing experiments

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Reference code



[Artigo] Segregational load in Drosophila kikkawai - I. Crossing experiments


  • jul. 1964 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

6 folhas, 9 págs., papel, imp.

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

Newton Freire-Maia foi geneticista, pesquisador e professor da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Nasceu na cidade de Boa Esperança (MG) em 29 de Junho de 1918, filho de Belini Augusto Maia e de Maria Castorina Freire Maia. Em 1945 formou-se emRead more

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer


Content and structure area

Scope and content

Artigo "Segregational load in Drosophila kikkawai - I. Crossing experiments.", de Newton Freire-Maia, publicado em 1964 no periódico Genetics.

Conditions of access and use area

Language of material

  • English

Notes area


FREIRE-MAIA, Newton. Segregational load in Drosophila kikkawai - I. Crossing experiments. Genetics, Rockville, v. 50, n. 1, p. 211-219, 1964.

Access points

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